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As a professionally trained coach, my goal is to support your specific goals. Together, we will co-create a transformation to a better you.

Business Meeting

Trained by an ICF Accredited Organization

Outstanding Quality

Anthony Carver has successfully completed The Barefoot Coach Training Programme for Business & Personal Coaching Approved by the International Coaching Federation as 164 hours of coach specific training and has passed the final exam process.

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Receiving coaching is an opportunity to unstick your thinking. It's chance to be listened to with unconditional positive regard. You as the coachee are in control of the subject, pace of discussion and level of exploration. You can set your own goals, expectations and outcomes for the session. The coach's role is to use best practice and research-backed tools to help you progress toward your goals. Coaching is neither advice nor therapy. Instead the coach receives the coachee as an already successful and fully functioning human being. With this approach you'll be given the space and time to think things through and find the intrinsic motivation to make positive changes that might be small or even transformational. The coach adheres to the International Coaching Federation's code of ethics to maintain confidentiality of any topics discussed.

Here are some limited slots for a free initial 30 minute consultation

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